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Tips to Protect Your Home While on Vacation

It can be dangerous to leave your property while you’re gone on vacation, but use these tips from C&S Lock and Security to better protect your residence on the next vacation you go on. These tips will help you feel relaxed, and not worried while you’re enjoying yourself on vacation.

  1. Make it look like your home- If your home is dark this will let everyone know that you are not home. Buying some lights that are on timers is a good way to fix this problem, along with connecting the lights to the timer it is also a good idea to connect some TV’s to timers. This makes it look like you are still home.

  2. Ask a trusted neighbor for help- If you live next to someone you trust they can be a great friend in protecting your residence. Make sure they have the correct contact information so that they can contact you while you’re gone for any help in protecting your home.

  3. Stay up with maintenance schedule – Don’t change your landscaping or garden services times just because you’re on vacation, this may tip off robbers to the fact that your gone on vacation. It’s important to keep up your normal schedule so robbers don’t notice the change in activity.

  4. Don’t draw attention on social media – One problem with social media is it allows everyone on your friends list to see that your out of town. Sometimes this can cause people to be robbed by people knowing they are gone and out of town for a while. A good rule of thumb is don’t post about a trip until you are back home safe.

  5. Install outdoor sensor lights- These lights are great for discouraging would be robbers from entering your home. They are also great for dark nights and just better protecting yourself ,and your property while your home or not home.

  6. Set up a home security system – It is not only important to have a home security system, but also advertise it otherwise your home could still be broken into. If you don’t have a home security system it’s wise to invest in one. If you cannot afford one have a licensed locksmith like C&S Lock & Security come and check your residence to see how secure it is from would be intruders.

  7. Take away hidden keys – Remove all hidden keys you have around from the residence while you’re on vacation. You don’t want a random person to find your key and have easy access to your home so removing these keys while you’re on vacation is smart.

  8. Get a House sitter – If you can having a house sitter is the best option in protecting your home while you’re out of town. If you have a trust worthy friend that is willing to stay at your home while you’re on vacation this is also a great option.

Follow these tips outline by C&S Lock and Security to better protect your home while your out of town next time. If you are in the greater Tucson area and are in need of lock smith services contact C&S Lock and Security today! Let one of our licensed professional team members come help you with whatever lock or security problem you may have for your home, or business. Contact us today and get the service you need from C&S Lock and Security.


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