Lock From 1909 Bank Robbery Considered Rare Artifact | C & S Lock & Security

In 1909 there was a now famous bank robbery in Avon Ohio in which the bank robbers escaped with a substantial amount for the period of time, totaling $1,700. In addition to the stolen cash the bank robbers caused about $2,000 worth of damage to the bank.
Now the Stearns History Museum has got their hands on a piece of the lock from the Avon State Bank robbery after someone donated the historical piece.
A statement from the museum describes the robbery in length; “In 1909 in the morning of October 16th there was a loud explosion in Avon. Somebody tried to rob the bank that morning. So, after the bank vault was blown, the criminals escaped on a train towards Royalton. Then they jumped on another train going toward St. Cloud. One of the neighbors that lived across the street from the bank, after the robbery took place, he went over to the bank and retrieved this and brought it back home. They kept it in the family for a number of years, until his son brought it into the museum.”
According to museum curator Adam Smith the bank robbers did make it to the Twin Cities but were eventually caught a couple weeks later. As for the lock an Avon resident garbed the now historical piece after the robbery and passed it down to his relatives, one of which donated it to the museum.
Smith also stated that once the museum got the antique historical lock they were able to confirm its authenticity!
If you are interested in updating some antiquated locks at your home or business make sure to contact a lock and security expert in your area. If located in Tucson make sure to contact the lock and security experts at C & S Lock & Security!