Locksmith Intimidation Scam Hits the Midwest | Tucson Locksmiths
Recently North Carolina news reports warned Midwesterners and the Nation about the Locksmith impersonation scam which has been plaguing...
Valuable Locksmith Questions | C & S Lock & Security
Here at C & S Lock & Security we are all about protecting our customers that is why we have complied a list of helpful questions you can...

Coronavirus: Message to Our Customers
During this uncertain time, our customers’ health and well being is our highest priority. As we continue monitoring developments related...
Arizona Residents Upset About Imitation Locksmiths | C & S lock & Security
A recent news report out of Phoenix Arizona has home and auto owners thinking twice before agreeing to service from a locksmith. ...

Officer Bit By Dog During Automobile Lock Out | C & S Lock & Security
Recently Carver police and fire responded to a residence to help a family who had been locked out of their home. Carver Police Chief Marc...

Tips To Help Keep Your Home Secure | C & S Lock & Security
According to the Police of Greensboro North Carolina the summer vacation months tend to bring an influx in criminal and burglar...
Hotel Keys of the Future! | C & S Lock & Security
The mechanics and technology of hotel lock and key’s has evolved right alongside the evolution of security and now that we are in the...

Suspect Tries To Steal Car But Unable To Drive | C & S Lock & Security
An armed robbery in New Orleans was thwarted when the car thief was unable to start the car he was intending to steal. According to...
5 Locksmith Tips! C&S Lock & Security
Here at C&S Lock & Security where are all about informing and protecting our customers with the latest news and issues! This week we have...

WWE Wrestling Star Locks Himself Out Of Car | C & S Lock & Security
Recently the WWE star AJ Styles had himself a bad night. Not only did Styles lose his main event match to Dean Ambrose on the popular...