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BMW Malfunctions Locks Woman In Car For Two Hours

Modern cars might have high tech safety features but there is one woman who is wondering if new anti theft features might work too well.

Mercena Trevathan was recently locked inside of her 2012 BMW 3 series for about two hours after the anti-theft feature on the car started to malfunction.

Trevathan Says she got in on Saturday morning, pushed the “on” button but her car would not start and the doors and windows would not open.

After trying to get the key fob to work for almost 30 minutes Trevathan was quoted as saying that “I was sweating and everything, and the only thing going through my mind was am I gonna die?".

The next thing Trevathan did was call BMW roadside assistance hoping that they could open her car remotely. Unfortunately BMW roadside assistance was unable to unlock the car because the garage door was still down and the signal would not get through. Eventually BWM roadside assistance suggested that Trevathan contact 911.

Once the police arrived they said they never seen anything like it. Police Sergeant Stidd said "I thought it would be a simple thing, but we tried the door handles, we tried the door locks, we tried the trunk release and nothing happened. We couldn't even open the hood to try to jump start it,". Eventually the police decided just to break a window at that point so they smashed a rear window and got Trevathan out safely.

According to the BMW dealership a battery malfunction was to blame for the entire ordeal.

If you ever find yourself locked in or out of your car make sure to contact a trusted lock and security expert in your area. If located in Tucson contact the Lock and Security experts at C & S Lock & Security!

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