Movie Star Shia LaBeouf Gets Locked Out Of Car Decides To Eat Corn | C & S Locksmith

After getting locked out of his car during a pit stop in the Dallas area, movie star Shia LaBeouf showed up at a gas station in Mesquite looking for help as well as a taste of some local food.
As LaBeouf entered the Fuel City gas station he kept his head down in an attempt to not attract attention, however it was not long until someone recognized who he was. One of the cashiers mentioned to LaBeouf “You look like Shia LaBeouf.” To which he nodded his head.
The movie star then informed the cashier that he was in fact Shia LaBeouf and that he had locked himself out of his car and would need to wait for a locksmith to arrive.
While waiting for lock out service LaBeouf graciously hung out with the customers and employees of the gas station as was reportedly very friendly. Additionally LaBeouf decided to try some of the local Mexican food called elote, which is a corn dish typically mixed with butter, hot sauce, sour cream, and cheese.
Shortly after finishing his elote and posing for pictures with fans the locksmith had arrived to get LaBeouf back into his Camaro and back on his way. However even after LaBeouf had left the gas station the employees reported numerous calls and visitors asking about LaBeouf’s pit stop at the store, but the star was already on his way thanks to the locksmith.
You don’t have to be a celebrity to get assistance from a reliable local locksmith, just make sure they are licensed, bonded, and insured before requesting assistance. If located in Tucson contact the licensed, bonded, and insured lock out experts at C & S Lock & Security!