How To Insure Your Locksmith Is Who They Say They Are | C & S Locksmiths

With the dawn of the computer age has come the dawn of the computer related scam and one common bait and switch that is occurring more and more in America is targeted toward those in need of a locksmith and even professional locksmiths themselves.
The epidemic that is occurring usually plays out as follows; someone is in desperate need of a locksmith and searches the internet for a nearby or reputable locksmith, however on occasion the consumer will find themselves on a locksmith lead generation website often times relating to 24 hours a day service. What they don’t know is that often times these websites are often breeding grounds for fly-by-nights and con artists impersonating a trusted company.
For example what might occur is someone will be locked out of their car at 3 am and searches google for a 24 hour a day locksmith ending up on a shady website that quotes them what seems to be a reasonable rate only to find out that once the supposed locksmith arrives and completes the job the price has skyrocketed from where the original quote was. These fly-by-nights are banking on the fact that once the job is done all the consumer wants to do is get back in their car or in their home and cave in to the ridiculous charge.
To make matters worse the locksmith impersonator will sometimes go so far as to claim he is a representative from a highly trusted and respected company in the community just so the consumer is baited into their service, if you can even call it that.
In order to make sure the locksmith you will be working with is legitimate make sure that you never trust a lead generated from a website boasting 24 hour 7 day service in the title (ex. 24/,, etc.). Only trust a locksmith lead generated from a real business website or one that you can be sure is licensed, bonded, and insured, and to be extra safe only trust a company who is a member of the better business bureau.
Luckily for those who live in Tucson Arizona and who are in need of a trusted locksmith need look no further than C & S Lock & Security. As a licensed, bonded, and insured company that is also a member of the better business bureau C & S Lock & Security is an ally in the pursuit of a trusted locksmith!